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Discouraged” would be the polite version…

Updated: Jun 14

Discouraged would be a polite way of describing my mood.

It was the spring of 2023 and the property we were under contract with in Dahlonega was looking less and less developable. (Thank you non-existent septic field).

Worse, no good alternative properties  were in sight. 

I (Melissa) had looked either online or in person at every single raw land-for-sale listing within a two hour drive from the northside of Atlanta. 

So when Tanner — out of the blue— looked at me that night and said “I think we need to look at more properties”, it felt right but redundant. Really redundant. 

I said “I totally agree. But there aren’t any. I’ve looked at them all. When, and where, do you want me to look?”

His reply? 

“This week! And wherever.”

Me: :-/

So, I went back to the Redfin drawing board and combed through the MLS listings. Again. Without much enthusiasm. 

Listing after listing… 

… Seen it; too hilly. 

… Seen it; too open. 

… Seen it; too rocky  

I finally just searched “septic” in the filter field, since that had become our biggest hurdle in Dahlonega. 

And there it was…

“48+ acres. Septic on site. Seller ready to let it go”. 

That was it. No unique photos. No details. Just a single Google Maps photo….

… but what piqued my interest was a tiny mark in the upper right hand corner of the property. 

It was a notation that I’d been looking for since we started looking at properties 5 months earlier…Could it really be?

I immediately picked up the phone and called our agent to schedule a drive out to the property. 

Because if what I was seeing on the Google map was true, then I HAD to see this property. 

We’ll continue that story in the next post. 

For now, I’m curious… 

What have been your biggest hurdles when looking to book a vacation? 

Send me an email and let me know.  


Melissa and Tanner

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